Monday, September 28, 2009

Marie Antoinette with the Ejector Head

How historically accurate!

The French Revolution: 1789-1799

I. Introduction: Define Revolution.

II. Origins:
A. Poor Leadership
B. American Revolution
C. Economic Problems
D. Problems with the Three Estates
E. Estates General/National Assembly

III. The First Revolution:
A. The Oath of the Tennis Court
B. Storming the Bastille
C. The Great Fear
D. Dec. of Rights of Man
E. Women Respond to Poverty and Revolution

IV. New Government: Constitutional Monarchy

V. Wars Abroad: 1792-1802
(“levee en masse”=draft)

VI. The Second Revolution Begins (1792)
A. Maximilian Robespierre
B. The Terror:
January 21, 1793: Louis le Dernier (Louis the Last)

VII. Thermidorean Reaction: 1794-1799
The Directory: 1795-1799

VIII. Significance

KEY LINES FROM THE DECLARATION OF RIGHTS OF MAN AND CITIZEN: “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights.”
We believe in “liberty, property, security, resistance to oppression”
“Every man is presumed innocent until he is proven guilty”
“Law is an expression of the general will”
“Free expression of thoughts and opinions is one of the most precious rights of mankind: every citizen may therefore speak, write, and publish freely.”

Calendar of the French Revolution:
1. Vendémiaire
2. Brumaire
3. Frimaire
4. Nivôse
5. Pluviôse
6. Ventôse
7. Germinal
8. Floréal
9. Prairial
10. Messidor
11. Thermidor
12. Fructidor

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Why is Candide kicked out of the castle? What point do you think Voltaire is trying to make here?

Describe the philosophy of Pangloss? What is meant by "optimism"?

Chapter 6 describes the Inquisition's response to the earthquake in Lisbon. How do the supposedly learned men of Lisbon respond to this natural disaster?

How was the idea of the Inquisition the result of intolerance?
What is heresy in an open society? Why would a religious community respond with random hatred and violence?

Other than the gold and jewels, what other aspect of Eldorado do you find unique?

What do the "noble savages" of the new world represent?

In Chapter 15 the young baron is still opposed to Candide marrying his sister. Why?

Candide meets a young man from Surinam with a mutilated hand. What do Candide's word here suggest about the philosophy of optimism?

Look at the chapter with the deposed kings. (ch. 26)
“My name is Ivan. I was once Emperor of all the Russias but was dethroned in my cradle.”

What are Candide's living conditions at the conclusion of the story? Has his philosophy changed?

Candide ends in the following way: "we must cultivate our garden."
Interpret this statement. How do the many events in this book—both good and bad—support or refute the concept of cultivating one’s garden?

Based on this story, how happy and contented a place was Europe in the 18th century?

Look back through your notes to find references that might parallel the events and ideas of Candide.
Here are some ideas:
 Divine right of kings;
 The Scientific Revolution;
 Commoners suffering;
 Classism and Hierarchy;
 The Enlightenment; (or violations on Enlightenment principles)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Of Crime and Punishment

Why would Beccaria write this book uner a pseudonym?


Of the Punishment of Death.

The useless profusion of punishments, which has never made men better

induces me to inquire, whether the punishment of death be really just or

useful in a well governed state? What right, I ask, have men to cut the

throats of their fellow-creatures? Certainly not that on which the

sovereignty and laws are founded. The laws, as I have said before, are only

the sum of the smallest portions of the private liberty of each individual,

and represent the general will, which is the aggregate of that of each

individual. Did any one ever give to others the right of taking away his

life? Is it possible that, in the smallest portions of the liberty of each,

sacrificed to the good of the public, can be contained the greatest of all

good, life? If it were so, how shall it be reconciled to the maxim which

tells us, that a man has no right to kill himself, which he certainly must

have, if he could give it away to another?

But the punishment of death is not authorised by any right; for I have

demonstrated that no such right exists. It is therefore a war of a whole

nation against a citizen whose destruction they consider as necessary or

useful to the general good. But if I can further demonstrate that it is

neither necessary nor useful, I shall have gained the cause of humanity.

How Enlightening, these Quotes!!!

Galileo Galilei
"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use and by some other means given us knowledge which we can attain by them."

"I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him."

Sir Isaac Newton
"If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants."

"We build too many walls and not enough bridges."

Rene Descartes
"If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things."

"Nothing is more fairly distributed than common sense: no one
thinks he needs more of it than he already has."

Jean Jacques Rousseau
"Man is born free, but is everywhere in chains!"

"I hate books; they only teach us to talk about things we know nothing about."

Ben Franklin
"He was so intelligent, that he could name a horse in nine Languages. So ignorant, that he bought a cow to ride on."

"He that lies down with dogs shall rise up with fleas."

The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

I. Defining the Scientific Rev:

II. Discovering the World:
A. Galileo
B. Isaac Newton

III. Disseminating the Info:
A. The Salon Movement
B. Balloon Men: The
Montgolfier Brothers

IV. Defining the Enlightenment:
A. Key Principles:

1. Reason
2. Scientific Method
3. Education
4. Legal reform(Beccaria)

B. Philosophe Beliefs:
1. Progress
2. Deism
3. Optimism

C. Main Philosophes:

C. Enlightened Absolutism
Frederick the Great (Frederick II) of Prussia (ruled 1740-1785).
Empress Maria Theresa of Austria
(ruled 1740-1780)
Emperor Joseph II of Austria (ruled 1765-1790)

Catherine the Great of Russia (ruled 1762-1796)

V. Results? (significance)
A. Laying the groundwork for change

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Absolutism and the Old Order/Ancien Regime

"In the sway he holds over his people, he surpasses all the monarchs of the whole world...He uses his authority as much over ecclesiastics as laymen, and holds unlimited control over the lives and property of all his subjects; not one of his counselors has sufficient authority to dare to oppose him, or even differ from him, on any subject. They openly confess that the will of the prince is the will of God, and that whatever the prince does he does by the will of God."

Define the term “nation.”

Would you rather have a democratic leader who follows the will of the people (lots of polls, votes, etc.) or a strong leader who follows his or her conscience and reason?

“When the leaders choose to make themselves bidders at an auction of popularity, their talents, in the construction of the state, will be of no service. They will become flatterers instead of legislators; the instruments, not the guides, of the people.”
Edmund Burke

I.Absolutism Defined:
(Sovereign but not totalitarian)

1. Divine Right:
How do they justify that belief?

Proverbs 8.15-16:
"By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth."
Romans 13.1-2:
"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation."

2. There must be one sovereign in every state
3. The sovereign holds all legitimate power and should never be actively resisted.
4. If the sovereign commands a contravention of God's law, disobey, but accept the punishment.

--Jean Bodin (1530-1596)

Thomas Hobbes:

Life is "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."
Therefore, to avoid rebellion and chaos nations need ____________.

II. Absolutism in Action: FRANCE
Louis XIII (The Bourbon Family)
Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642)
The Fronde: 1648-1653
Louis the XIV

a. Mother Anne of Austria (regent)
b. Cardinal Mazarin(died 1661)
c. Womanizing
Wife: Maria Theresa
Mistresses: (too many to name)

“L'Etat, c'est moi”
(I am the State!)

Le Louvre

1. Dutch: 1672-1678
2. League of Augsburg: 1688-1697
3. War of Spanish Succession: 1702-1713

III. Absolutism in Action: RUSSIA
Peter the Great
(The Romanov Family)

IV. Constitutionalism

V. Average People:

Jan Steen

VI. Significance

Monday, September 14, 2009


I read and understand all of the policies of the syllabus and department standards.

Signed ___________________________


Friday, September 11, 2009


Course Schedule:

9/14 Introduction/Europe at 1750/Reading Guide to Candide
9/16 Absolutism and the Old Order/Enlightenment
9/18 Scientific Revolution

9/21 Candide must be read by TODAY!!!/QUIZ/Discuss Book
9/23 Origins of the French Revolution
9/25 FURLOUGH DAY: Remember, if you email me on that day I won’t be able to respond until midnight. If I see you in Trader Joe’s or at the gas station or elsewhere, I am required by school policy to ignore all questions regarding history, which includes talking about $2 wine, since that price is totally historic, don’t you agree?

9/28 French Revolution
9/30 Napololeon’s France
10/2 Congress of Vienna: Order and Restoration

10/5 Industrialism /Communist Manifesto Must be Read On the Blog for Today
10/7 Industrialism
10/9 Revolutions of 1848/Nation-States

10/12 Unification and Bismarck/Review for Exam
10/14 European Imperialism and the Scramble for Africa
10/16 1900 in Europe—Dreyfus Affair, Oscar Wilde, Protocols of Zion

10/23 Origins of World War One

10/26 World War One
10/28 Forgotten Voices of the Great War Due Today/QUIZ/Discuss Book
10/30 Aftermath of World War

11/2 Rise of World Fascism
11/6 World War Two

11/9 WW Two and the Holocaust
11/11 Campus Closed: Veteran’s Day
11/13 Survival in Auschwitz Due/QUIZ/Discuss Book

11/16 The Cold War/Review for Final Exam
11/18 The Cold War/Essay Due/Due to by midnight on the 18th
11/20 1968 and Beyond/Last Day of Class

FINAL EXAM: Monday, November 23, 5-7:30


History 102 MWF 1:45-3:05
Office: Faculty Towers 201A
Instructor: Dr. Schmoll
Office Hours:
Monday: 11-12:15
Wednesday: 10:30-12:20 and 4-5
Friday: 11-12:15
Email: Office Phone: 654-6549

Course Description:

Required Reading:
1. Voltaire, Candide
2. Max Arthur, Forgotten Voices of the Great War
3. Primo Levi, Survival in Auschwitz
4. Marx and Engels, “Communist Manifesto”
(this will be available electronically)
5. Weekly blog readings: Each week you will have both primary and secondary sources to read on the blog.

Grading Scale:

Participation: 10%
Book Quizzes: 5%
The Essay: 25%
Midterm Exam: 30%
Final Exam: 30%

The Blog: If you have questions or comments about this class, or if you want to see the course reader or the syllabus online, just go to

You need to sign in to this blog this week.
You will also have short readings on the blog. I will announce these in class.

Just to be clear, to succeed on tests and quizzes and papers you really should be in class. That’s just common sense, right? To pass this class, you may not miss more than two classes. If you miss that third class meeting, you are missing too much of the quarter. You cannot do that and pass.
Furthermore, with the furlough in place, we already have to miss a certain number of classes.
So, here’s what we do. Do your best to not miss any class unnecessarily. Let’s say your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife calls and wants to take you to Tahiti this weekend, but you won’t be back until late Tuesday night. Here’s what you say: “Honey, I love you, but Dr. Schmoll seems to value my education more than you do, so we are breaking up.” Ok, that may be harsh, so don’t do that, but just make sure that you do not miss any class until the 8th week. What I’ve found is that it seems inevitable that those who miss two classes early for pathetic reasons like doctor’s appointments that should have been more carefully scheduled get to the 8th week and then have to miss for a legitimate reason (like a surprise meeting at work, a sick child to take care of, or a flat tire). If you get to that 8th week and then have to miss your third class, it’ll be bad. By that point, I’ll be kind, compassionate, a real shoulder to cry on, if you want, when telling you that you’ve now failed the course. Now, if you make it to the 8th or 9th week and you have not missed those two classes, then you have some wiggle room, so that if, heaven forbid, your cat Poopsie gets pneumonia and you have to sit up all night bottle-feeding her liquid antibiotics, you and I don’t have to have that ugly conversation where I tell you that Poopsie gets blamed for you failing the course. Let’s put this another way; do you like movies? No way, me too! When you go to the movies do you usually get up and walk around the theatre for 10-15% of the movie? Let’s say you do decide to do that, out of a love of popcorn and movie posters, perhaps. If you did that, would you expect to understand the whole story? Okay, maybe if you are watching Harold and Kumar, but for anything else, you’ll be lost. So, please, get to class.

Being Prompt:
Get to class on time. Why does that matter? First, it sends the wrong message to your principal grader(that’s me). As much as we in the humanities would like you to believe that these courses are objective (at what time of day did the Battle of the Marne begin?), that is not entirely the case. If you send your principal grader the message that you don’t mind missing the first few minutes and disturbing others in the class, don’t expect to be given the benefit of the doubt when the tests and papers roll around. Does that sound mean? It’s not meant to, but just remember, your actions send signals. Being late also means that someone who already has everything out and is ready and is involved in the discussion has to stop, move everything over, get out of the chair to let you by, pick up the pencil you drop, let you borrow paper, run to the bathroom because you spilled the coffee, and so on. It’s rude. There’s an old saying: better two hours early than two minutes late. Old sayings are good.
So, what are the consequences of persistent tardiness? What do you think they should be? Remember that 10% participation? You are eligible for that grade if you are on time. Get here on time. And no, I’m not the jackass who watches for you to be late that one time and stands at the door and points in your face. If you are late a few (that means three)times, you will lose the entire 10% participation grade. One time tardiness is not a problem precisely because it is not persistent.

The Unforgivable Curse:
Speaking of one time issues, there is something that is so severe, so awful, that if it happens one time, just one time, no warning, no “oh hey I noticed this and if you could stop it that’d be super,” you will automatically lose all 10 percent of the Participation grade. Any guesses? C’mon, you must have some idea. No, it’s not your telephone ringing. If that happens, it’ll just be slightly funny and we’ll move on. It’s a mistake and not intentional, and the increased heart rate and extra sweat on your brow from you diving headfirst into an overstuffed book bag to find a buried phone that is now playing that new Cristina Aguilera ringtone is punishment enough for you. So, what is it, this unforgivable crime? Texting. If you take out your phone one time to send or receive messages you will automatically lose 10% of your course grade. That means, if you receive a final grade of 85%, it will drop to 75%. If you receive a final grade of 75%, it will become a 65%. Why is that? The phone ringing is an accident. Texting is on purpose and is rude. It, in fact, is beyond rude. It wreaks of the worst of our current society. It bespeaks the absolutely vile desire we all have to never separate from our technological tether for even a moment. It sends your fellow classmates and your teacher the signal that you have better things to do. Checking your phone during class is like listening to a friend’s story and right in the middle turning away and talking to someone else. Plus, the way our brains work, you need to fully immerse yourself, to tune your brain into an optimal, flowing machine (see Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s incredible book Flow) that can grasp and can let itself go. Students now tend to see school as a stopover on their way to a career. Brothers and sisters, that’s deadly! I wish that I could pay for you all to quit your jobs and just focus on the mind. I can’t yet do that, but if I could I would, because it’d be worth every penny. Devoting time to the mind and to thinking deeply about your world will change who you are and how you approach your future, your family, your job, and your everything. Is that overstated? I believe it to be true. So, until my stock choices really take off so that I can pay all of your bills, promise me one thing. When you are in class or preparing for class, you have to be fully here. Oh crap, now it’s going to sound like a hippy professor from the 1960s: “I mean, like, be here man, just be here.” Maybe the hippies were on to something. Devote yourself fully to your classes by unplugging from the outside world for awhile.

Class Climate:
No, I don’t mean whether it’s going to rain in here or not. Sometimes I’ll lecture at you, but even then, your participation is vital. How can you participate when someone is lecturing? Any ideas? Turn to a neighbor and tell them the story of your first day at school in kindergarten. Now, if you are the one listening to the story, right in the middle look away, look at your watch, sneer at them, roll your eyes, yawn, wave to someone across the room, nudge a person next to you and tell them a joke, all while the other person is telling about his or her first day of kindergarten. If this happens in social setting we call it rude, and we call the people who listen in that way jackasses. They are not our friends precisely because we deeply value listening and do not put up with those who do not listen well. Right? So, there will be lecturing, and if you abhor what we are doing, then fake it. I used to do that sometimes too: “oh no, professor, I love hearing you talk about President Reagan’s policies of supply side economics.” If we listen to psychologists, by faking interest you’ll be learning much more than if you show your disinterest. The next time you are sad force yourself to smile and you’ll see what I mean. So, sometimes there will be lecture. At other times there will be discussion of short readings that we do in class. During these times, it’s crucial that you do the silly little exercises: turn to a neighbor; find someone you don’t know and discuss this or that; explain to your friend what we just went over in lecture; pick something from the reading to disagree with; find two people on the other side of the room; throw cash at your professor…ok, maybe not that last one. This class is a bit unique in that it violates the normally accepted activity systems of college history classrooms. What we do in discussion will help solidify the concepts of each section of this course in your brain. If you are active in class, you will have to study less, and you’ll find yourself remembering much more.

How many of you love reading? I did not read a book until I was 18, so if you have not yet started your journey on this ever widening path, it’s never too late. In any course, there’s no substitute for reading. Theorist Jim Moffett says that “all real writing happens from plentitude,” meaning that you can only really write well about someone once you know about it. Reading is one way to know—not the only, by any means! I want you to have experiences with great texts. I can show you voluminous research proving why you nee to read more, but then if I assign a stupid, long, expensive textbook you probably will end up not reading, or only reading to have the reading done, something we have all done, right? The economy now requires much higher literacy rates (see The World is Flat), and even though reading levels have not gone down in the last 40 years, it is crucial that you start to push your own reading so that your own literacy level goes up. For these ten weeks, diving wholeheartedly into the course reading is vital. Remember to read in a particular way. As reading expert and UCSB professor Sheridan Blau has argued, “reading is as much a process of text production as writing is.” Reading involves revision? Does that sound silly? As you read, think about the different ways that you understand what you read. Most importantly, when you read, think about the words of E.D. Hirsch, who says that we look at what a text says (reading), what it means (interpretation), and why it matters (criticism). Hey, but if you are in a history course, aren’t you supposed to be reading for exactly the number of miles of trenches that were dug in World War One, how many railroad workers died from 1890 to 1917, or what the causes of the Great Depression were? Anyway, the answer is yes and no. There are two types of reading that you’ll do in college. As the literary goddess theorist Louise Rosenblatt explains, there is aesthetic reading, where you are reading to have an experience with the text, and there is efferent reading, where you are reading to take away information from the text. You do both types all the time. Think about a phone book. You have probably never heard someone say of a phone book, “don’t tell me about it, I want to read it for myself.” Reading a phone book is purely efferent. In this course you will practice both types of reading. I have chosen texts that you can enjoy (aesthetic) and that you can learn from(efferent). I want to see and appreciate the detail in our reading, but in this course I’ll give you that detail in class lectures. In the reading, it’s much more important that you read texts that will live with you forever and to inspire you to think more thoroughly about your world. As you read, you should be working hard to create meaning for yourself. As Rosenblatt asserts, “taking someone else’s interpretation as your own is like having someone else eat your dinner for you.” Please, don’t let the numbskulls as wikipedia or sparknotes eat your dinner for you.

Participation: You do not need to be the person who speaks out the most, asks the most questions, or comes up with the most brilliant historical arguments to receive full credit in participation. If you are in class and on time, discuss the issues that we raise, avoid the temptation to nod off, to leave early, or to text people during class (the three easiest ways to lose credit), and in general act like you care, then you will receive a good participation grade!

Academic Honesty
You are responsible for knowing all college policies about academic honesty. Any student who plagiarizes any part of his or her papers may receive an “F” in the course and a letter to the Dean.