Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Midterm Examination Study Guide

TEST DATE: Wednesday, 10/21

I. Identifications: 50% (You answer 5 out of 6)

These are terms that are of particular relevance to the historical period
we have covered. You must identify as completely as possible in a single paragraph (who what when where) and give the significance of the term.

Continental System
Civic Code of Napoleon
Battle of Waterloo
Congress of Vienna
Decembrist Revolt
Estates General
The Bastille
Louis XIV (14th)
Louis XVI (16th)
Marie Antoinette
"L'etat C'est Moi”
Representation of the People Act
Otto von Bismarck
Catherine the Great
The Sadler Committee
Crystal Palace
Factory Act of 1833
Salon Movement
Oath of the Tennis Court
Max. Robespierre
The Great Fear
Thermidorean Reaction
Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
Reign of Terror

II. Essay: 50% (You answer 1 of 2)
There will be two essay questions. You will choose one and write a thorough and
detailed essay. The essay topics will come from the following areas:

1. Candide: Think about how this book represents the period of the Ancien Regime. Link it, the way we did in discussion, to the historical themes of the time.

2. Origins and outcome of the French Revolution
With this one, focus on the principle material and ideological causes from lecture and readings, the significance of the French Revolution in sculpting Modern Europe.

3. The rise and fall of Napoleon. Did his leadership of France betray the ideals of the French Revolution or fulfill them?

4. Otto von Bismarck and the unification of Germany. How did Bismarck represent a new type of nationalism?

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