Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fascism in Europe

“Whoever controls the past controls the future. Whoever controls the present controls the past.” Orwell

I. Benito Mussolini
--statist: individual functions to serve the state

II. Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo
Teodulo Franco y Bahamonde Salgado Pardo de Andrade
Civil War 1937-1939
Spain: 1939-1975
--Hitler’s army/air force
Guernica, Picasso

III. Hitler:
1933-Enabling Laws


Nazi Goals:
1. Economic Recovery
--Keynesian economics
2. Rearmament
--1933-1 billion
--1939-30 billion
3. Lebensraum
--living room

IV. Hitler’s Foreign Policy
A. Anschluss
Joseph Goebbels—99.7%
Minister of Propaganda

B. Czechoslovakia

C. Appeasement
P.M. Neville Chamberlin
1939 “C has ceased to exist”

D. Poland
Stalin: Non-Aggression Pact

V. War: GB and Frnce declare war
--sitzkrieg, Phony war

A. Fall of France
--May 10, 1940
--p.m. Winston Churchill
--six weeks to Paris
--Vichy Government

B. Battle of Britain
2 months of bombing
Operation Sea Lion

C. Invasion of Soviet Union
--1941, Moscow
--1943, Stalingrad

D. U.S. enters War
--$11 billion to Russia
--1944, June 6, D-Day
--2.2 million,
--400,000 trucks
1945—V-E Day
Eva Braun


If I know what you believe, can I predict how you’ll act?

Hitler’s race belief:
Mein Kampf, 1923
1. creators of culture
2. preservers of…
3. destroyers of …

I. Pre-1933 --theory
II. 1933-1935
--boycotts of businesses
--individual violence (SA)
--pr problem: 1936
III. 1935-1938
--Nuremberg Laws
1. “blood and honor”
2. Reich citizenship
--no Jewish citizenship
--new nationalism
--1938: seizure of assets
--racial hygiene:
lebensunwertes leben
--one grandparent
IV. 1941-1945:
1941 “final solution”
Reinhard Heydrich
--camps for killing
--6-10 million

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